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Weiterführende Internetlinks zu
Regierung und Politik in Nepal

Recht und Gesetz

Verfassung des Königreichs Nepal vom 09.11.1990 (siehe auch alternativer Link)

Local Self-Governance Act


His Majesty's Government of Nepal

Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Forestry and Soil Conservation

Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supply

Ministry of Finance

Ministry of Land Reform and Management

Ministry of Local Development

Ministry of Physical Planning and Works

Ministry of Population and Environment

Ministry of Science and Technology

Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation

Ministry of Water Resources


Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist)

Nepali Congress

Botschaften und andere Vertretungen

Royal Nepalese Embassy, Berlin

Königlich-Nepalisches Honorarkonsulat, Köln

Deutsche Botschaft, Kathmandu

European Commission Delegation to India, Nepal and Bhutan

Japanese Embassy (Kathmandu)

Indian Embassy (Kathmandu)

US Embassy, Kathmandu

Verfassungsorgane und sonstige Institutionen

Election Commission

Institute of Foreign Affairs, Kathmandu

King Mahendra Trust for Nature Concervation (KMTNC)

Nepal Telecommunications Authority (NTA)

Supreme Court

Lokale Ebene

Participatory District Development Programme (PDDP)

Association of District Development Comittees of Nepal (ADDCN)

Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN)

Kathmandu Metropolitan City (KMC)

SAARC Secretariat, Kathmandu

Staat und Demokratie

Nepal Democracy, organisiert vom FES-Büro in Kathmandu

Conflict Prevention Initiative Nepal, Harvard Universität


Center for Human Rights and Democratic Studies (CEHURDES)

Child Workers in Nepal Concerned Centre (CWIN)

Human Rights and Peace Campaign Nepal (HURPEC)

Human Rights and Peace Society (HURPES)

Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC)

INHURED International


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2002-04-18 .